Get Set To Grow Mumma

A Guide to Growing Your Business Alongside Your Babies

Being self-employed and being a mum is tough isn’t it. Can you just drop the forgotten P.E. kit at school? Can you just do a couple of loads of washing and sort dinner. Can you wait in for the parcel? You can do it can’t you because ‘you’re at home’.

You’ve also got to actually do the work stuff to get paid!

You deserve to have a successful, profitable business and not an expensive hobby. You deserve to be paid for what you do and to be paid fairly and not just what you think other people will pay. You deserve to thrive in your business and not just survive.

I’ve created the Get Set to Grow Mumma: A Guide to Growing Your Business Alongside Your Babies just for you and I’m sharing the 5 steps you need to be doing to make your business thrive, even in uncertain times that we are going through now with covid-19

In this guide you will learn:

Nailing Your Ideal Client

What on earth is all the fuss about ideal clients? We’ll look at why this is so important and how to choose who you want to work with

How to Make Social Media Work for You

There’s so many platforms to choose from so we’ll look at where to focus your time as well as some things that you can be posting about

Website Basics

Where on earth do you start with a website, it can soon get overwhelming! We’ll look at what to focus on and what the essential pages you need are

Building Your List

Why is building a list so important and what can you do to get people onboard

You Don’t Have to Sell Your Soul to Make Sales

Sales doesn’t have to be hard, you can do it in an authentic way that feels right for you

Putting It All Together So You Actually Get Shit Done!

There’s no point doing any of this work if you’re not going to be able to put it all together and get shit done. We’ll look at what you need in place to make your business work for you

Get your copy now …

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