Did you think that when the kids went back to school that everything would go back to normal, how life was like before lockdown and being forced into home schooling?

Has that happened for you?

Or does things look a little different right now?

I know a lot of mums have had more school related admin to deal with, especially all the new guidance that seems to be coming out every day

There’s staggered start and finish times to try to get your head round as well as helping your child deal with their emotions for all of the changes they’ve gone through the last few months

I think its fair to say that things couldn’t go back to normal straight away and if you thought that would be the case, I’m sorry to burst your bubble!

The same thing applies to you and your business

Whether it was dealing with home schooling (and for the record, I’d just like to say that this isn’t what home education normally looks like), having to change how you normally operate with lockdown restrictions, your customer base changing or any other reason – it’s ok to take a moment to actually stop and reset

If you try to go 100mph back to normal, then you are heading towards burnout real fast and that’s not something you want to be doing right now!

You’ve gone through a lot over the last 6 months so it’s ok if you don’t want to get back to business straight away

You can take time to just breath and process things, think how you need to be doing things right now or just enjoy time to yourself to think without anybody asking for snacks!

Set aside what everyone says life ‘should look like’. Deal with what’s in front of you right now and do things your way

Remember …

Your business = Your rules

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