Let’s cut to the chase, being self-employed and being a mum is tough isn’t it? There’s so much stuff going on in your head it’s no wonder you don’t get dizzy trying to spin all the plates
✅ Being taxi to all the after school activities and clubs
✅ Wearing all the different hats as a small business owner (you’re responsible for IT, marketing, finance, Office Junior, CEO and everything in between
✅ Making sure all homework is done on time (and needing a degree for some of the stuff that they’re expected to do!)
✅ What about this weeks blog post, newsletter, filing? Have you got your shit together yet?
✅ Trying to make sure the kids eat healthy food
✅ Website still not updated or looks a bit shit? When are you going to get round to actually doing it?
✅ Pressure to have all your shit together and be Supermum
✅ Jealous of people who have all day to work on their business while you have to make do with whatever pockets of time you can grab?
✅ Of course you can JUST do it (wait for parcel, pop to the shops, drop forgotten PE kit to school, do all the PTA roles etc), you’re at home twiddling your fingers and doing sweet fuck all
✅ Feel like the proverbial headless chicken, forever running around trying to be all things to all people and you end up not spending time on you
✅ Don’t know where to focus as you’ve got too much stuff going on
✅ Got so many plates spinning you’re scared to death precious plates will be the ones that fall
I want to tell you that it doesn’t have to feel this way, you can be the mum and business owner you want to be!
The thing about being a mum and business owner is that you have so much going on and different pulls on your time that you DO have to run your business differently to ‘normal’ people
Sometimes you feel like your business never gets the attention that it needs and there are times that you wonder whether anyone is taking your business seriously (even you)
You might be working from your phone and not some fancy office
And that’s ok, it doesn’t matter where you work from (whether it’s the spare bedroom, kitchen table, living room, shop or coffee shops) as long as you get the work done
The business advice out there is catered to people who have all day every day to spend working on their business without any distractions
You might be thinking like it’s ok for those sat at their desks all day and start feeling guilty that you aren’t. but you don’t have to be sat there all day, you can still get shit loads done!
With everything going on in your busy life you might have foggy brain at times (I know I do)
But with some simple strategies you can make sure you know exactly what you need to be doing every day so that you don’t have to worry about that anymore
Have you only got nap time and post bedtime to get everything done?
That’s ok! You can still be productive and profitable with limited time available, its all about making sure you optimise that time effectively
Do you feel like everyone else has got their shit together and you aren’t even a ‘proper’ business owner?
Let’s be brutally honest here, that’s a load of bollocks! Just because you have limited time doesn’t make you are any less of a business owner than someone who has all day, it just means you have to make use of the limited time you’ve got!
How often has it got to the end of the day or nap time and you haven’t actually done anything you know you should have done?
This is something that is a big thing for a lot of my clients before working together but it’s all about creating good habits that can work for you so that you know exactly what you need to be doing
Are you spending half a day on Canva creating images or other distractions?
How would it feel if I told you that spending 10 minutes would have the same impact! You need to stop messing about and do the work you know you need to be doing. I can help you to get rid of distractions and procrastination behaviour
But most importantly, I want you to realise that …
YOU DESERVE to have a successful, profitable business and not an expensive money pit where you 💯
⛔️ See your cash disappear
⛔️ Tell yourself “that’s another day I haven’t made any cash”
⛔️ Seem to be throwing money at it in every direction and nothing is sticking
YOU DESERVE to be paid for what you do and to be paid fairly and not just what you think other people will pay 💯
YOU DESERVE to thrive in your business and not just survive
I know 2020 hasn’t gone to plan, but come and spend 10 weeks with me in my Busy Mums Set for Success Bootcamp and turn things around
As a mum I know the benefits of running your own business, but also, all the pitfalls. My Busy Mums Set for Success Bootcamp will help you avoid all the bad bits and show you the way to find all those benefits
Do you feel judged by others …
⛔️ You don’t have a ‘proper’ job
⛔️ You’re not earning ‘proper’ money
⛔️ You’re not a ‘proper’ mum!
Or sometimes, we are our own worse critic!
⛔️ Do you feel like you aren’t making financial contribution to the house
⛔️ School gate mums commenting about you always being on the phone
Now is the time to say YES to your success
During our time together, we will work through everything you need to set the foundations you need to build a PRODUCTIVE AND PROFITABLE business
We will look at …
Boundaries, Productivity & Getting Shit Done
Overwhelm central – a crash course in ditching the overwhelm bitch!
Helping you get clarity on where to focus your time, attention and energy for best results
Nailing Your Ideal Client
Get this right and your marketing just got a lot easier to do!
If this is something you’ve struggled with or don’t understand the importance of, this will make nailing your ideal client simple
Social Media Marketing
Instead of pissing about on Facebook or Instagram, we look at making social media work for you
From choosing the right platform, making connections and creating content
All About Websites
We focus on keeping things simple so lets get your website done, dusted and live!
We look at the essentials of what your website needs and how to make it easy for your ideal clients
Easy List Building Strategies
Getting people on your list is a top priority so we look at the strategies you can be using in your business
Your list is one of your biggest assets so this module is all about making it work for you
How to Make Sales Without Selling Your Soul
Sales doesn’t have to be about selling your soul or being icky!
We will look at how you can promote yourself while still being authentically you
Staying Out of Overwhelm to Get Shit Done
There’s no point doing all this work if you’re going to fall into overwhelm again
We will look at ways for you to stay out of overwhelm … for good
Q&A Sessions
You’ll get plenty of opportunities to ask questions throughout the course
Facebook Group
We have a private Facebook Group where you can connect with other Bootcampers
You can get feedback, collaborations and support from some like minded business mums
Time to get set for success?
Running a business can feel extremely hard – if it was easy street everyone would be doing it. BUT it doesn’t need to be that way. I get it that being a mum and you’re can be the fast track to overwhelm central! So let’s kick overwhelm to the curb ok?
Do you feel a little overwhelmed trying to navigate business and mum? Spinning all the plates, feeling like they’re all crashing down on a regular basis and that you’re doing nothing “right.”
Isn’t it about time we put those plates down in a neat pile on the floor?
You created your business to have more freedom and flexibility NOT to feel constantly guilty!
Shall we take off the handcuffs?
Do you feel like the business is a heavy weight around your neck?
Let’s just drop that weight down and feel your shoulders relax?
Are you a mean boss, don’t take time off, answering emails / messages and doing the “wait a minute” to the kids all the time?
Let’s get rid of the hustle and create the right balance for you, your business and your family
Time to stop being a slave to your business?
Let’s set you free so you can become the business owner you’ve always dreamt of being
Do you want to build a business that fits around your life and not a life that fits around your business?
HELL YEAH! Let’s make that happen
The best thing about being the boss and working for yourself is you get to make the rules and you get to create the business you want
That voice in your head, the one that makes you doubt yourself and wonder what the heck you were thinking when you started all this, yes that one. You’re allowed to tell is to ssssshhhhhh or ignore it. You can do this.
Listen to one of my lovely mums …
Emma broke things down into smaller pieces
I was overwhelmed by all of the different advice available and I wasn’t sure how to market myself effectively at networking events. Emma reassured me that my goals are not unrealistic and are perfectly achievable. She broke things down into smaller pieces, showed me what my skills are worth and how to package them. I felt really inspired after my session with Emma. She gave me some good ideas and directions to pursue, and some great advice for networking which I put into practice the very same day!”
Karen Stubbs
Now is the time to say YES to your success
So, what’s the Busy Mums Set for Success Bootcamp?
Here’s all the details …
My mission is to empower busy mums to be smart, savvy and successful entrepreneurs. By ditching the overwhelm, side stepping the guilt and becoming the business owners they dreamt of being!
So we break things down into bite sized but more importantly, manageable steps you need to take so that you actually do the work – there’s no point doing this programme if you don’t do the work!
We will work together over 10 weeks to get your business set for success.
You’ll get me by your side, guiding you every step towards your own successful business that fits in with the kids.
There’s lots that we will go through on this Bootcamp, including:
MODULE 1: Boundaries, Productivity & Getting Shit Done
Overwhelm central – a crash course in ditching the overwhelm bitch!
MODULE 2: Nailing Your Ideal Client
We look at the types of people you want to be working with and where you can find them
MODULE 3: Social Media Marketing
We look at your branding and the type of content you need to be focusing on
MODULE 4: Overview of What Your Website Does & Doesn’t Need
We focus on keeping things simple so lets get your website done and dusted and live
MODULE 5: Easy List Building Strategies
Getting people on your list is a top priority so we look at the strategies you can be using in your business
MODULE 6: How to Make Sales Without Selling Your Soul
Sales doesn’t have to be about selling your soul or being icky, you can still be authentically you and make sales
MODULE 7: Staying Out of Overwhelm to Get Shit Done
There’s no point doing all this work if you’re going to fall into overwhelm again. We will look at ways for you to stay out of overwhelm
Now is the time to say YES to your success
Why choose the Busy Mums Set for Success Bootcamp?
Imagine looking back 3 months from now and knowing that today was the day that things changed in your business, for the better
Investing in your business can feel like a bum nip, but this programme will pay for itself in no time because it will help you save time and money on things that don’t work, as well as helping you increase your profits
There isn’t a magic formula for a successful business, but there are things you can put in place and steps you can take to make business easier and more profitable and I will be showing you these steps. The Busy Mums Set for Success Bootcamp will show you what they are and how to put them in place in your business
Sometimes when we have lots to do, we do nothing. My Busy Mums Set for Success Bootcamp will help you put a stop to procrastination and make sure you spend your time doing things that matter for your business success
What will you get from the Bootcamp?
There is so much ‘advice’ out there, so many ways you can go, so many options to choose from, it can totally overwhelming. This is one of the reasons I created the Busy Mums Set for Success Bootcamp, because I want to help put a stop to that and help you take things to the next level feeling confident about your decisions
Imagine what it would feel like:
⭐️ To have a massive amount of clarity in your business, your direction, your messaging and being in a position to crack on in your business
⭐️ Going from overwhelmed to clarity. Stay out of overwhelm for good with my simple strategies that actually work – no more sitting at your desk wondering what to be working on
⭐️ Sitting down to crack on with your work without all the self-talk going on in your head
⭐️ Be in a position to have time for your business and time for your family
⭐️ Be able to get stuff done, the important stuff and not spend your whole life overthinking, worried of messing up and never feeling like you’re getting anything done
⭐️ Being able to couple mummydom and business running with ease
⭐️ Being able to concentrate on making money in your business
⭐️ Knowing who your clients are and being able to REALLY connect with them
⭐️ Not feeling alone
⭐️ Getting clear on what exactly you are selling and you can stand out from the crowd so people will buy from you
⭐️ Being able to prioritise your business activity so it’s the most profitable way for them to run their business
⭐️ That your business becomes more sustainable and enjoyable
This is what you’ll get from the Bootcamp … and so much more! All you need to do is take the decision to say yes for becoming the business owner you’ve always dreamt of being
Why work with me?
I have a no nonsense approach so I won’t take any excuses for not doing the work – no laziness allowed!! At the end of the day, I don’t want to waste either of our time if you aren’t prepared to do the work as I could be working with another mum who will do whatever it takes to build her own super successful business
If you want someone who will tell you what you want to hear, go elsewhere – I’m not the person for you
However, if you want someone to show you step by step EXACTLY what you need to be doing, act as your guide so you avoid the common mistakes and also keep you accountable (giving you a kick up the bum when you need it!) – then I’m your girl
If you want my full story on how I got started on my journey to self employment, check out my profile
Whether you are selling a product or are a service based business, I work with the mum behind it as that is what I’m best at!
What’s included?
✅ The 10 Week Bootcamp
There’s videos and a workbook to go through as well as cheat sheets and templates to save you time
✅ Facebook Group
Interact and network with other awesome mums who are in the same position as you, who want to build their own successful business
✅ Live Q&A Sessions
I don’t want you feeling unsure about something on the programme. That’s why there’ll be opportunities to ask me your questions
I’ll even be doing a Masterclass on a couple of hot topics to help you implement what you’re learning
The price for the Busy Mums Set for Success Bootcamp is available right now at the super-duper introductory price of £97 for a limited time (usual price £197) and you can either pay in full or instalments
Get on board now and we can build your successful business together!
Now is the time to say YES to your success
Listen to one of my lovely mums …
Have you ever had a pivotal moment in your life? Something that makes you change perspective? I did fairly recently, it came in the form of email, which progressed to a call.
I had been subcontracting to someone quite happily for a while, and then I’m not really sure what happened. I started to think a little bit bigger, thought maybe we should be doing things differently. Unfortunately every
suggestion I made, idea I put forward was pushed aside or told maybe we could do that in the future. Given my character this made me start to think no, I don’t want to wait! Why can’t we do that? And so it started.
Endless hours of searching the internet, reading up on established Virtual Business Assistants. Downloading information, some useful, some not so much! I purchased recommended books. But one name kept cropping
up, Emma Walker.
I first came across Emma on The VA Success Group, the website had me hooked, it was literally a one stop shop for everything I was dreaming about. Think of a kid in a sweetie shop! I then discovered Emma’s website and as I was reading the information on her website I was literally having WOW moments. I subscribed right away to receive emails from Emma’s website.
I’m not all work and motivational reading, like everyone I like a bit down time with a wee magazine for some light hearted reading. As I’m reading about another minor celebrity’s drama, I turned the page and there was another WOW moment, Emma Walker had done an article in Closer on the KER-CHING page with Jasmine Birtles. I do believe that in life you attract what you want to enable you to succeed and here it was, that name again Emma Walker. The next day, I logged into my emails and there was an email from The Mumpreneur’s Mentor. I think I had kittens at that point!
I decided then, no matter what I was going to work with Emma.It seemed to take ages for the call to come round!! (Think kid at Christmas!) When I spoke to Emma, I’m not ashamed to admit I was a bit in awe. From the
sitting thinking, I could be doing bigger better things. Then a few weeks later actually having a coaching session with someone I’d read so much about it was a bit overwhelming. As I sat listening and talking to Emma, it became very apparent and obvious to me, the one thing holding me back from actually being a successful Virtual Business Assistant rather than comfortably subcontracting to someone was me! As the call progress so did my enthusiasm and drive!! What had I been thinking?? I can do this!! Emma set me some goals, helped me put a plan of action in place.
From the initial call four weeks ago, I have built my own website and a website for a friends business, something I would never have thought I was capable of doing! I’m now using more social media platforms than I was previously, I’ve been to a networking event and had a meeting with a potential client!
For anyone wondering oh would the Mumpreneur Success Programme work for me………….the answer is quite simply YES!!!
Now, I better go…………………I’ve got homework to do for someone called Emma!
Emma Herdman
Virtual Assistant
Get on board now and we can build your successful business together!
Now is the time to say YES to your success