Free Tips, Grow Your Business, Personal Musings, Productivity, Start Your Business, Success Planning
There are so many symptoms to overthinking and they can become a massive issue for your business if you’re not careful. But the good news is that there are things that you can be doingWhen it comes to some symptoms, we’re going to talk about 3 of the most common ones...
Grow Your Business, Personal Musings, Productivity, Start Your Business, Success Planning
When it comes to staying stuck in your business, it will look differently for each person. These could be: Waste what precious time you have available browsing through Facebook, Instagram or Tik Tok Sit down at your desk (or work area) and not know where you even need...
General, Personal Musings
OMG, how the world has changed! Before covid-19 took over the world, I think it’s fair to say that we took our normal lives for granted. Once lockdown hit, the world as we know it changed and a new normal became our daily lives: Essential travel only People working...