Goals, Productivity, Success Planning
We know we should set goals but as busy mums and business owners, it can seem that we don’t actually have the time to sit down and plan out our goals for the next 12 months. But this is why it is essential that we do set goals so that we can create the business and...
General, Goals, Newsletter, Productivity, Success Planning
I’ve been talking to a few lovely mums lately who have hit a brick wall when it comes to their business and when we delved a little deeper, it became obvious that they’re trying to be Supermum and putting too much pressure on themselves. One thing I want to make...
Newsletter, Productivity, Success Planning
Whether you’re just thinking about starting your own business, are part way through setting everything up or already up and running, there will come a time (lots of times to be honest) when you will feel complete overwhelm with everything that you’ve got to do. You...
Goals, Newsletter, Personal Musings, Productivity, Success Planning
Life has a funny way of getting in the way of your business, whether it’s the school holidays, illness, emergencies, financial difficulties or any other ‘thing’, it can soon distract you from your business. But if you want to pay your bills, you need to get back on...