Grow Your Business, Personal Musings, Productivity, Start Your Business, Success Planning
I want to make some things crystal clear right from the off … There is no shame in feeling overwhelmed It doesn’t make you a failure You can and will get through it! I don’t know why, as mums, we put so much pressure on ourselves. With everything going on in our lives...
Grow Your Business, Marketing, Productivity, Start Your Business, Success Planning
I have seen this comment so many times over the last couple of weeks so think its time to actually take notice of it 😉 Lockdown has been a surreal time for most people, things aren’t normal and we’ve had to work out what our new normal looks like for us and our family...
General, Personal Musings
OMG, how the world has changed! Before covid-19 took over the world, I think it’s fair to say that we took our normal lives for granted. Once lockdown hit, the world as we know it changed and a new normal became our daily lives: Essential travel only People working...