Personal Musings, Productivity, Success Planning
How often has it got to the end of the day or nap time and you haven’t actually done anything you know you should have done ⁉️ First of all, stop guilt tripping yourself about it, you’ll only make it worse and end up in a vicious circle 💯 Second, it doesn’t matter how...
Personal Musings, Productivity, Success Planning
I don’t need to explain how busy we are as mums but add in running a business as well and life can get a bit more complicated! As a home educating mum to my 3 girls as well, means I am SUPER busy but that means it keeps me out of trouble 🙈 So how do I make sure...
Grow Your Business, Marketing, Productivity, Success Planning
Feeling overwhelmed with the size of your to do list versus the very limited time you’ve got available to actually do the work – trying to fit in when baby is napping, limited childcare or day job! Are you bashing your head against the wall when it comes to trying to...
General, Productivity, Success Planning
One of the big things I see with busy mums who run a business is that they can have a problem with letting go of things – we have this notion that we should be able to do everything and be supermums! Why we put this much pressure on ourselves I don’t know, but its...
Productivity, Success Planning
As busy mums, running a business can be a real juggling act but with the right tools and strategies in place, it can be done. So how can you get yourself organised with so little time available? Here’s 3 things you can easily do today: Brain Dump I’ve written about...