Free Tips, Grow Your Business, Personal Musings, Productivity, Start Your Business, Success Planning
Most people think that a lack of time is the reason their business isn’t successful but that is just the excuse you tell yourself. We all have the time if we really want something That series you are binge watching at the minute Scrolling through social media or...
Personal Musings, Productivity, School, Success Planning
Did you think that when the kids went back to school that everything would go back to normal, how life was like before lockdown and being forced into home schooling? Has that happened for you? Or does things look a little different right now? I know a lot of mums have...
Grow Your Business, Personal Musings, Productivity, Start Your Business, Success Planning
I want to make some things crystal clear right from the off … There is no shame in feeling overwhelmed It doesn’t make you a failure You can and will get through it! I don’t know why, as mums, we put so much pressure on ourselves. With everything going on in our lives...
General, Productivity, Start Your Business, Success Planning
Being self-employed and being a mum is tough isn’t it. Can you just drop the forgotten P.E. kit at school? Can you just do a couple of loads of washing and sort dinner. Can you wait in for the parcel? You can do it can’t you because ‘you’re at home’. As well as all...
Productivity, Success Planning
I think the answer to this question is yes AND no. Let me explain … There’s a bit of a myth about work / life balance because you only have 24 hours in a day. We all need to sleep, eat and rest, as well as actually working to earn money … never mind...